Isolation Guidelines

  • Stay in your own room and use your own bathroom, if possible.
  • Avoid contact with people and/or pets in your home and living space.
  • Don’t share household items like cups, towels, utensils, etc.
  • Only leave your living space for medical care.
  • Remain in isolation until you have no fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) AND symptoms have improved AND at least five days have passed since your symptoms first started or you tested positive (if you have not had symptoms).
  • You are encouraged to wear a well-fitting mask for five days post isolation.

Residence Life Isolation Guidelines

  • Remain in isolation (in your room) until you have no fever for at least 24 hours (without medication) AND symptoms have improved AND at least five days have passed since your symptoms first started or you tested positive (if you have not had symptoms).
  • Return to class on day 6 ​as long as you have been fever-free for 24+ hours  
  • Residence Life can provide a HEPA air purification
  • Roommates and suites mates have already been exposed as the highest rate of transmission happens 2 days prior to onset of symptoms ​to the day of symptom onset.
  • No quarantine for roommates or suitemates ​but we recommend testing 5 days after the last exposure or if they start having any cold-like symptoms.
  • Submit a student absence notification 
  • If comfortable, ask roommates, suites mates or friends to deliver food. If not, Residence Life can arrange help.